The Do’s and Don’ts of Being on School Property : Parent Guide 2023

As a parent, you may find yourself on school property for various reasons, such as dropping off or picking up your child, attending a parent-teacher conference, or volunteering in the classroom. It’s important to understand the dos and don’ts of being on school property as it to ensure a smooth and positive experience for everyone involved. With this in mind, the purpose of this article is to provide an overview of the do’s and don’ts of being on school property as some percieve it to be open to the public, however that is not neccersarily the case.

As the school year begins, it is essential to have a clear understanding of the general expectations of school’s to ensure the safety of your child and all students. To ensure compliance with the rules and regulations of any school, this article will go over the expectations specific to being on school grounds, including on-campus and off-campus activities.

Children and parents waiting on school property.

It will also provide general tips and advice on how to help your family and child comply with the rules and remain safe while being on school property. By taking the time to understand the school’s expectations, you can ensure your child is receiving the best education possible. Please also consult your child’s school as every school has different policies and procedures regarding behaviour and expectations whilst being on school grounds, contact your school office to find out more.

Do follow the appropriate procedures

Each school may have different procedures in place for parents or guardians to follow when on school property. Make sure you are aware of and follow these procedures to ensure a smooth and respectful interaction with school staff and other parents. This might include signing in at the main office or obtaining a visitor’s pass and making sure you are visiting during school hours.

Don’t interrupt class or disrupt the school day

It’s important to respect the school day and not interrupt class or disrupt the learning environment when on school property. This means avoiding entering the classroom without permission or talking to teachers or staff during class time unless it is an emergency.

Do ask permission before entering the classroom

If you need to enter the classroom for any reason, make sure to ask permission from the teacher first. This will show respect for the teacher’s role and the learning environment, and ensure that your presence does not disrupt the class. The best way to ask permission before entering the classroom is by setting up an appointment with your classroom teacher, depending on the school, this can be done by email or contacting the school office to set appointments.

Don’t involve your child in any conflicts

If you have a concern or issue to address with the school or a teacher, it’s important to handle it in a respectful and appropriate manner. Avoid involving your child in any conflicts or discussions and communicate directly with the appropriate parties. Also do not defend or interact with any children on the playground before or after school, the best course of action is to approach school administration regarding any concerns you may have which involve your child.

Do understand the expectations for your role

If you are volunteering in the classroom or participating in any other capacity on school property, make sure you understand the expectations for your role. This might include following the school’s policies and procedures, adhering to any specific guidelines or rules provided by the teacher, and respecting the Code of Conduct provided by the school. By understanding the expectations for your role, you can ensure that you are contributing to a positive and respectful learning environment.

Don’t bring any inappropriate items onto school property

It’s important to be mindful of what you bring onto school property and ensure that it is appropriate for a school setting. This might include avoiding bringing in any weapons, alcohol, or illegal substances.

Do communicate with the school and your child’s teacher

Effective communication is key to a successful and positive experience on school property. Make sure to stay in touch with the school and your child’s teacher and share any relevant information or concerns. This can help ensure that your child’s needs are being met and that you are aware of any important updates or events.

By following these dos and don’ts, you can ensure a smooth and positive experience on school property and support your child’s success in school. Remember to follow the appropriate procedures, respect the school day and classroom environment, ask permission before entering the classroom, avoid involving your child in any conflicts, understand the expectations for your role, bring only appropriate items onto school property, and communicate with the school and your child’s teacher. By being mindful of your actions and respecting the school community, you can help create a positive and supportive learning environment for your child.

Anthony Fernando
Anthony Fernando
Articles: 53

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