Best Schools near Auchenflower

Montessori Children’s House

In the Montessori learning environment, a child is fully immersed in a calm and orderly atmosphere that is designed to cater to their unique interests and needs. The Montessori Centre offers a comprehensive educational experience that comprises five distinct curriculum areas. Practical Life activities provide children with purposeful tasks that mirror their daily activities and are divided into four categories: Care of the Self, Care of the Environment, Grace and Courtesy, and Control of Movement. Sensorial activities help children to refine their five senses – tactile, visual, auditory, olfactory, and gustatory – which encourages heightened sensory awareness. The Language materials are carefully designed to allow children to explore letters, sounds, handwriting, and eventually reading and writing with ease. The Maths curriculum follows a gradual introduction of concrete materials and provides incremental opportunities for working with increasingly abstract concepts.

School Website:

Milton State School 

Milton State School, established in 1889, is located in the inner northwestern suburbs of Brisbane, Australia. As a primary school catering to students from Prep to Year 6, it boasts a significant student population of approximately 710 pupils, and a faculty comprising 29 classroom teachers.

One of the unique features of Milton State School is its association with the Queensland Academies – Partnership Schools. This partnership enables the school to work closely with three prestigious schools, namely, Queensland Academies of Science, Maths, Technology, Creative Industries, and Health Sciences, to identify and nurture the “best and brightest” students while providing clear educational pathways for all students.

Milton State School is committed to inclusive education, as demonstrated by its range of programs catering to students with disabilities or learning difficulties. These programs encompass both intervention and extension, and the school is supported by advisory visiting teachers. The school is dedicated to ensuring that students with disabilities are fully integrated into the regular class.

School website: 

Hubbard’s School

At Hubbard’s School, students can embark on a groundbreaking academic journey that prioritizes classroom instruction over extracurricular activities. The learning environment empowers students to set their own pace and encourages them to embrace their individuality as young adults.

Hubbard’s School takes pride in its team of passionate and highly qualified academic professionals who provide tailored support to every student at every stage of their academic journey. The institution’s mission is to reignite each student’s passion for learning, encourage them to reimagine their learning strategies for accelerated and elevated progress, and help them achieve their learning goals.

The school aims to cultivate independent and confident learners who make positive contributions to society. Hubbard’s School champions a “U-centric” approach to learning, prioritizing the personal strategic achievements of each student.

School website:

Teach Authority
Teach Authority
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