First Day of Primary School: 10 Things To Remember in 2023

The first day of primary school is a big milestone for both parents and children alike. It marks the end of school holidays and the start of a new school year, with all the routines and expectations that come with it. For many students in both the public and the private systems, it can be an exciting yet nerve-wracking experience as they make their first steps or not so first steps into a new world of learning. However, with some preparation and forethought, you can make the first day of primary school go smoothly for everyone involved.

Here are 10 things to remember on your child’s first day of primary school!

Set a positive tone

It’s natural for children (and parents) of any age to feel a little anxious on the first day back to school. However, it’s important to try and set a positive tone and focus on the excitement of this new experience. Talk about the fun things your child will get to do, such as making new friends and learning new things. Discuss the school term dates and what fun things will occur throughout the school year.

Prepare for the morning routine

Establishing a morning routine can help make the first day of primary school go smoothly. Lay out clothes the night before, pack lunches and any necessary items, and set a realistic wake-up time. Practice the morning routine a few times before the first day of school so it becomes second nature.

Practice the commute

If your child will be walking or taking the bus to school, practice the commute a few times before the first day. This can help alleviate any anxiety about finding the classroom or navigating a new environment.

Familiarize yourself with the school

Take some time to familiarize yourself with the layout of the school and where your child’s classroom is located. Consider taking a tour of the school before the first day so you know where to drop off and pick up your child, as well as where the main office, restrooms, and water fountains are located.

Meet the teacher

If possible, try to meet the teacher before the first day of school. This can help your child feel more comfortable on the first day and give you an opportunity to ask any questions or address any concerns.

Pack a comfort food

It can be comforting for children to see and taste something which is familiar to them on the first day of primary school. This could be a fruit, healthy snack or even a small note. Just be sure to ensure that your complying with school policies regarding nuts and healthy options.

Discuss expectations

Talk to your child about the expectations for behavior and conduct at school. This includes following rules, respecting others, and paying attention in class. Discussing these expectations beforehand can help your child feel more prepared and confident on the first day or resuming school.

Encourage independence

Encourage your child to be independent and take charge of their own belongings. This includes packing their own lunch and backpack, and taking responsibility for their own homework. It’s okay to offer assistance, but try to give your child the opportunity to do things on their own as much as possible.

Set a bedtime routine

Establishing a bedtime routine can help your child get the rest they need to be successful in school. Make sure your child is getting enough sleep and try to establish a consistent bedtime routine a few weeks before the first day of school.

Be supportive and positive

Starting primary school can be a big adjustment for children and it’s natural for them to feel a little anxious or overwhelmed. Be supportive and encourage your child to talk about their feelings. Remind them that it’s okay to make mistakes and that you’re there to support them.

The first day of primary school is an exciting time for both children and parents. By following these tips, you can help your child have a successful and enjoyable first day.

Anthony Fernando
Anthony Fernando
Articles: 53

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