How do you get high school students to remain quiet?

Do you have that class that never remains quiet? Are they always talking non-stop or not listening to your directions? There are a few things that can be done in order to get high school students to remain quiet. One is to have a clear and concise set of rules that everyone must follow. Another is to make sure that there are consequences for breaking the rules. Finally, it is important to create an environment in which students feel comfortable and respected. By doing these things, it will be more likely that high school students will stay quiet and focused.

noisy students in a classroom art work
Noisy students. Artwork by Teacher Authority

Reasons why high school students are noisy

In high school, students are often noisy because they are trying to get attention, they are excited about something, or they are bored.In high school, students are often noisy because they are trying to get attention, they are excited about something, or they are bored. In the classroom, students are often talking because they have a question or need to clarify something from class. It is important to understand that not all talking is bad and sometimes it can be useful for the learning process.

Some students may be trying to get attention because they feel ignored at home or they don’t have many friends. They may be excited about something because it’s new and different, or they may be bored because they’re not challenged in school.

Either way, noise can be a problem for high school students. It can interfere with their learning and make it difficult for them to focus on what’s important.

How to get high school students to quiet down

There are a few things that you can do in order to get high school students to quiet down and to focus on classroom management. One is to talk to them in a calm and collected manner. Explain to them why it is important to be quiet and ask them to please respect others who are trying to learn by bringing the noise level down. Another thing that you can do is give them a warning. If they continue to be noisy, then you can give them a consequence such as making them sit out of class for a period of time or to sit near the teachers desk. Finally, you can try to engage them in activities that will require them to be quiet such as listening to music or reading.

Option 1: By Asking Them

If you’re struggling to get your high school students to settle down and be quiet, there’s one approach you can try: just ask them. It may sound too simple, but it can be effective. Here’s how to do it:

1. Start by asking your students why they think it’s important to be quiet in class. Listen to their answers and then explain your own point of view.

2. Next, ask your students what they think would happen if everyone in the class was shouting and talking at the same time. Listen to their answers and then explain the consequences of not being able to focus in class.

3. Finally, ask your students if they’re willing to help create a quiet learning environment for everyone in the class. If they agree, thank them and let them know that you’ll be counting on their cooperation.

Option 2: By Making a Rule

In high school, students are constantly talking and making noise. This can be disruptive to other students and make it difficult to concentrate. To get students to quiet down, teachers can make a rule that they must be silent when others are talking.

When students know that they must be silent when others are talking, they will be more likely to pay attention and listen. This will help them learn more effectively and behave better in class. Additionally, this rule will help create a more positive learning environment for all students. Teachers should provide students with opportunities to talk about their feelings and concerns. This can be done through class discussions, journal writing and other activities. Students will feel more comfortable speaking up when they feel that their teachers are approachable and supportive. This will help them learn in a positive environment.

Option 3: By Creating an Incentive

In order to get high school students to quiet down, one option is to create an incentive. This could be in the form of a reward for the entire class if they meet a certain goal, or it could be individual rewards for students who are particularly well-behaved. There are a few things to keep in mind when creating an incentive system like this. First, it should be something that the students actually want. Secondly, it should be something that is achievable. And finally, it should be something that can be easily monitored and tracked.

Option 4: Keep experimenting until you find something that suits you

As a teacher, sometimes you need to try different techniques until you find a strategy which works best for you. Utilising words, phrases, reward systems, sounds or visuals can always help, however you are the teacher and it is up to you to decide which one works for your students. Consider the cultural and socio-economic background and the language that you must use but also consider is it a sustainable way to ensure behaviour management is consistent across all your classes.


When it comes to getting high school students to quiet down, there are a few things that can be done. First, the teacher can try to get the students to understand why it is important to be quiet. Second, the teacher can give the students a chance to talk about their feelings. Lastly, the teacher can offer some incentives for being quiet. Each one of these strategies can be used by the teacher to help get the students to quiet down.

The teacher should try to get the students to understand why it is important to be quiet and if they continue to disregard all these multiple strategies, then implementing your schoolwide behaviour policy or system must be used. This is crucial to ensuring a sustainable working environment for both you and your students.

Teach Authority
Teach Authority
Articles: 51

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